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Add-SPSolution Issue – SharePoint 2010

Issue: Getting below error, when you are deploying solution to the central administration using power shell.

Add-SPSolution : A solution with the same name “custompackage.wsp” or id “11a39cb8-be0b-4b54-be16-da5ab08a2ae9” already exists in the solution store.

At line:1 char:15

+ add-spsolution <<<< C:\custompackage.wsp

+ CategoryInfo : InvalidData: (Microsoft.Share…dletAddSolution: SPCmdletAddSolution) [Add-SPSolution], ArgumentException

+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : Microsoft.SharePoint.PowerShell.SPCmdletAddSolution


If there is any WSP already deployed with the same name, then retract the existing solution from central admin and remove the solution.

If there is no WSP deployed with the same name or if you want to create a new WSP for existing WSP package with different feature name then follow below steps.

1. Open “CustomPackage” solution in Visual Studio.

2. Generate new GUID

3. Modify GUID value “Assembly.Info” with newly generated value.

4. Open feature and renamed feature name and description as you required

5. Open package file and renamed package name

6. Generate new GUID

7. Close the “CustomPackage” solution.

8. Open CustomPackage.csproj file in notepad and updated “<PackageId>” value with newly generated value.

9. Open package.package file in notepad and modified “Id” and “solutionId” attributes with newly generated value

10. Open “CustomPackage” solution in Visual Studio and generate package for “CustomPackage” Project.

Now deploythe new WSP, it will work.

February 16, 2012 - Posted by | Add-SPSolution Issue, Package Deployment, SharePoint 2010 | , ,

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